Monday, May 21, 2007

Den Pobudui.

I recently wrote about Den Po Budui, a mysterious (to me) Russian holiday that we were celebrating here in Bulgaria, but after I wrote about it, I realized I was parsing it wrong in my head - it's actually Den Pobudui, which I figured meant "Day of Victory". (The Bulgarian word for "victory" is close to the Russian.)

So now I am extra amused that my coworkers were celebrating it because...Bulgaria LOST in World War II. They didn't have a hell of a choice, since the country was occupied by the Nazis at the time, but that they celebrate the victory of another country says a lot about Bulgaria, and its relationship with Russia.

Gotta run. Class!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should not generalize easily. I am 29 and I have never seen the Soviet victory celebrated. This probably says something about me and the people around me as well as the town I live in (Plovdiv).


9:02 AM  
Blogger Blogaria said...

Seriously? My coworkers were singing Russian songs, we watched the parade on TV (live from Moscow), and several of my colleagues reminisced about how In The Old Days there would be parades and stuff.

Plovidv is a lot more cosmopolitan, though.

11:46 PM  

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